Notch Feedback Controller (NFC) Component

The Q-SYS Notch Feedback Controller allows you to set feedback suppression based on the room, and automatically suppress feedback. Notch Feedback Control is the method of feedback control used by the Q-SYS Notch Feedback Controller.

The Notch Feedback Controller reduces the gain at the notch frequency while affecting the gain at surrounding frequencies as little as possible. Audio engineers sometimes insert parametric notch filters manually at peak frequencies, prior to the live event, to help prevent undesirable feedback from occurring. This is called “ringing out the room”. Notch Feedback Control is an automated way of "ringing out the room".

The Q-SYS Notch Feedback Controller allows the undesirable feedback to begin, and then detects the frequency at which the undesirable feedback is occurring. The NFC then places a notch filter at this frequency.

About Filters

There are two types of filters in the NFC: Fixed and Dynamic.

General Information

To Setup the Notch Feedback Controller

In the Venue

Place the microphones and loudspeakers where they will be in the live event.

Q-SYS Designer

  1. With Q-SYS Designer in Design mode, place an NFC in the signal flow just before the signal feeds to the channel of an amplifier. Each channel of each amplifier, used in the room, should have an NFC.
    In the case of a mono signal, converted to a stereo or multichannel output, place the notch filter on the mono signal before converting it.
  2. Run the Q-SYS design.
  3. Set the gain structures of the microphones as you normally would.
  4. In the NFC control panel, set the Threshold to about -46 dB.
  5. Set the Fixed Filter Count to 6. The Dynamic Filter Count should be 0.
  6. Make sure the room is as quiet as possible; do not talk into any microphone.
  7. Raise the Gain until the system starts to feedback and filters become active.
  8. Lower the Gain to where you would normally have it set in the live event.
  9. Raise the Threshold to -40 dB.
  10. Lower the Fixed Filter Count to the number of filters that were activated (step 7).
  11. Set the Dynamic Filter Count to about 6.

To Use the Notch Feedback Controller

  1. When the event starts, the system detects any frequency that exceeds the Threshold, and sets a Dynamic Filter. If you find that there are too many filters being set, raise the Threshold.






Bypasses the Notch Filter Controller.

When the component is bypassed, audio is passed through without any change. The word "BYPASSED" is displayed in red in the control panel.

no / bypassed


Mutes the audio signal at the input of the component.

No audio is passed. Any Dynamic Filters are put in Standby based on the Reclaim Time.

unmuted / muted



Controls the overall gain through the Notch Filter Controller component.

Default = 0

Range = -100 - 10

Clear All

Clears all Fixed and Dynamic Filters.


Clear Dynamic

Clears only the Dynamic Filters.



This button is found when you hover over a Dynamic Filter's blue marker. It Clears the associated Dynamic Filter. The filter is not active, and is available for use.



This button is found when you hover over a Fixed Filter's orange marker. It Removes the associated Fixed Filter. The filter is not active, and is no longer available for use - the Fixed Filter Count is decremented by one.


Fixed Filter Count

(whole number)

The maximum number of Fixed Filters that can be activated.

If the total number of Fixed and Dynamic is at the Maximum limit as set in the Properties, the Fixed Filter Count can be raised which will automatically reduce the number of Dynamic Filters.

Default = 9

Range = 0 - 32

Fixed Filter Count Active

(whole number)

The number of Fixed Filters currently active. Cannot exceed the Fixed Filter Count.

Range = 0 - 32

Dynamic Filter Count

(whole number)

The maximum number of Dynamic Filters that can be activated.

If the total number of Fixed and Dynamic is at the Maximum limit as set in the Properties, the Dynamic Filter Count cannot be raised unless the Fixed Filter Count is lowered.

Default = 4

Range = 0 - 32

Dynamic Filter Count Active / Standby

(whole number)

The number of Dynamic Filters currently active. Cannot exceed the Fixed Filter Count.

When the need for a Dynamic Filter is removed (no undesirable feedback at that frequency) the attenuation is removed, but the blue marker is still visible, that Dynamic Filter is in Standby. If feedback is detected, the filter is removed from Standby and made active at the feedback frequency. After the Dynamic Filter has been in Standby for 140 seconds it returns to the inactive state. While in Standby a dynamic filter is more sensitive to the need for feedback suppression at its frequency then when it is inactive.

Range = 0 - 32

Notch Bandwidth


Sets the bandwidth of the notch filters. A narrower bandwidth attenuates the feedback frequency without attenuating the surrounding frequencies as much as a wider bandwidth. A bandwidth that is too narrow becomes less effective because of the feedback frequency detection.

The Bandwidth is measured from -3 dB to -3 dB points of the notch filter.

Default = 1/10

Range = 1/5, 1/10, 1/20, 1/80

Feedback Threshold


When a frequency's amplitude exceeds this level, a filter is activated. in addition to exceeding the Feedback Threshold the amplitude at a particular frequency must exceed the average amplitude of the audio spectrum by an internally defined amount.

Default = -40

Range = -20 - -70

Min & Max Dynamic Frequency

(Hz / kHz)

These two parameters set the frequency range where Dynamic Filters can be activated.

Default = 1000

Range = 10 - 20,000

Dynamic Filter Reclaim Time


The Reclaim Time is the time between when the feedback, being suppressed by a Dynamic Filter, drops below the Threshold, and when the attenuation of the filter is removed. You can adjust this time to avoid Dynamic Filters "popping" in and out for recurring feedback.

Default = 30.0

Range = 5.00 - 120.0





Max Filter Count

Sets the maximum number of filters that can be used in the Notch Feedback Controller. This number can be divided between Fixed and Dynamic Filters.

8 to 32

Control Pins

Pin Name




Pins Available




1/5, 1/10, 1/20, 1/80


Input / Output




no / bypassed



Input / Output

Clear All


Input / Output

Clear Dynamic


Input / Output

Dynamic Filter Count

0 - 32

0 to 32


Input / Output

Dynamic Filter Reclaim Time

5.00 - 120

5.00 s to 120 s

0 to 1.00

Input / Output

Fixed Filter Count

0 - 32

0 to 32

0 to 1.00

Input / Output


0 - 32

0 to 32

0 to 1.00

Input / Output



0 to 32 Active



Max Dynamic Frequency

80 - 20,000

80 Hz to 20 kHz

0 to 1.00

Input / Output

Min Dynamic Frequency

10 - 20,000

10 Hz to 20 kHz

0 to 1.00

Input / Output




unmuted / muted



Input / Output



-70 dB to -20 dB

0 to 1.00

Input / Output


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